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3 features of the updated Skype for Android

When you own an Android device like I do, an update for any of the apps thrills you especially when it makes the device a more attractive look. This is what Microsoft has done with the release of the Skype 5.6 for Android which makes the app even more beautiful to look at and even easier to use. Here are 3 features to look out for;

More chats at a glance

When you have multiple chats at a time, keeping up can be quite a challenge. With Skype 5.6 for Android, you get to see more chats on the recent tab. That way, you can catch up on more conversations.

See friends’ online status with lovely round avatars

Skype 5.6 for Android allows you to easily see which of your friends are online, no matter where you are in the app. The developers have also polished and unified the avatar pictures, giving the app a simpler and more consistent look and feel.

View chat messages more clearly

Within each chat, we noticed that the color of the chat bubbles has been adjusted to make the text pop more. Now, you’ll find it easier to tell what you said from what everyone else said. You’ll find this update particularly helpful if you have group chats with lots of participants.

So, get the update now on Google Play store and after that, tell us what you think.
