Guys, technology just got a lot more interesting. There are people somewhere whose job is to proofread that mail before you send it… to avoid stories that touch.
I remember seeing a funny broadcast some time ago about making sure you proofread a mail before you hit the send button. I also recall going through an email I sent to a colleague and seeing some typographical and even grammatical errors in it and I put my hand over my mouth in disbelief. Now, imagine you’re in an awful lot of hurry to send a mail to your client or you have to reply one of those internal memo’s at the office and the ‘oga at the top’ has also been copied, so you need to be as articulate as can be, well, have no fear. An eAngel will guide you.
I stumbled on a new service called ‘eAngel’. eAngel autocorrects a message in your gmail outbox for free the first 5 times or for 500 words and afterwards it costs 5 dollars a month. That’s right. I got busy with it by first going to and I opted to take the trial. I typed in a message I intentionally laced with grammatical and typographical errors so I could be sure of the ‘eAngel’s potency in actually correcting mistakes.
“Hello their. As discuss, please find attache my currcullum vital for the job. i hope that my applications is consider because I have be following your company from a faraway for a long time. Thank you in antcpation of a favorable respond from you. Godbless.”
I entered my email address and in a moment, I got an automatic message from eAngel redirecting me to the site to sign up before getting my corrected message. Signing up was FAST.
Afterwards, I got the mail. It was actually unbelievably correct. I also got a mail that tracked my errors. Probably so I don’t make them again. The precision and articulation was astounding. Even more, eAngel integrates by means of a Chrome extension, which adds a second ‘send with eAngel’ option to your Gmail compose window and if there are any errors, it corrects them and sends the message to the recipient, almost immediately.
Studying their website reveals that people actually are saddled with that responsibility. It is their job. As much as I reckon this as an amazing way to curb unemployment globally, I worry about the privacy of my mail content. Well, eAngel are promising that their staff are not privy to name, address or details of your mail recipients among other things you will see on their FAQs page on
They operate in 92 countries including Nigeria and correct messages in 5 languages; English, Spanish, French, German and Hebrew. It is also available on mobile.
P.S. Let us know if you would consider using this service.
I also use Eangel and it’s amazing!!!