Apt Coding Challenge: TeamApt begins 5-day Coding Contest.

Apt Coding Challenge

Are you a software developer, product manager, student?

Do you love to code?

Do you think you your coding skills has attained the Ninja status?

TeamApt has officially kicked-off the Apt Coding Challenge and wants you to step up for some recognition as you show off your coding skills in the 5-day contest which runs from Thursday, September 27, 2018, at 6.00pm till Monday, October 1st, 2018 at 6.00pm.

The challenge which is strictly online is all about finding the fastest and coolest Code Ninjas in Nigeria, giving them a chance to be winners and be recognized.

Apt Coding challenge is open to Software Developers, Product Managers and anyone ready to flex some coding muscles and of course, earn bragging rights! The contest would be judged based on the fastest correct answers and the top three winners would be picked afterward.

….and a chance to sign your name on TeamApt’s Code Ninja Wall of Fame!

How to Participate:

Upon accepting the challenge, you’ll proceed to a form where you are required to fill in your details. This is necessary for identification purposes. Afterward, you’ll be taken to the actual challenge page to join other contestants in competing for the top three prizes.

To participate in the challenge, click here to begin.


Winners would be announced on Tuesday, October 2, 2018, at 4.00pm on TeamApt’s social handles.

To follow the contest and keep up with the event countdown, you can follow:

Facebook: @weareTeamApt

Twitter: @weareTeamApt

LinkedIn: @TeamApt

Instagram: @HumansofTeamApt

Warning Do not participate if your ninja muscles aren’t mature enough!


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