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Bukka app rolls out new payment option

On Monday, August 8, 2016, Bukka announced its new pay-on-delivery system of payment.

The app which allows its user order food from any restaurant or individual selling it, updated its functions to include this payment which is believed to better meet the needs of its users.

Speaking with Ibukun Adeniyi, Ceo Bukka, he said;

“The ability to pay with cash is really important for Nigerians so this is an exciting time for us. We are constantly trying to make the consumer experience with Bukka more convenient and seamless while enabling customers to order their delicious home cooked meal at the touch of a button. This cash system is a step in the right direction as we develop our technology to best meet the needs of customers and chefs.”

This accords Nigerians multiple payment systems for food, creating a seamless switch option between cashless and cash payment. Simply choose either cash or card option on the checkout point, and pay in person when the steaming hot food is delivered.

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To enable this new feature, update the app in Google Playstore.

Feedback is also encouraged at info@mybukka.com.

For more information, visit www.mybukka.com
