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380 posts
5 Ways To Attract Customers With Your Mobile App
We live in the smartphones era where most people are likely to open between one to ten mobile…
Twitter is testing a new app that uses less data
Just like Facebook, Twitter is about to introduce a Lite android app, supposedly. Social media giant Twitter is…
Report sexual abuse on children anonymously on this app
A Nigerian child rights group, Jose Foundation, has launched an app, Stop CSE, to aid the fight against child…
@paylaterng now lends to about 1,000 people everyday!, a Nigerian startup that offers small loans has announced that is now issuing 1,000 loans daily. In…
WizItUp K12: Your child’s mobile ‘lesson teacher’
Recorded in “Nigerian” accent and sporting Nigerian names in the examples, Vericore Technologies Ltd, an IT firm aimed…
Microsoft apps will now be released on Huawei Cloud
At Huawei Connect 2017, Huawei and Microsoft signed a strategic memorandum of understanding (MoU) on Cloud Service under…
Taxify Lagos is Lowering Prices, Again.
Taxify Lagos is lowering prices, again. While Taxify has remained higher in trip fare than its competition Uber, the…
From Lagos, Taxify expands to London
Taxify, the disrupting ride sharing app from Europe that has actively competing with Uber in Lagos has expanded…
The deadline to enter AppsAfrica Awards is fast approaching
There are just few days remaining to enter the third annual AppsAfrica Awards. In its third year, it…
Safaricom’s taxi hailing app Little is launching in Nigeria
As if the competition between Taxify and Uber is not enough, a new player is coming to Lagos…