Ecobank announces finalists of the Ecobank Fintech Challenge 2017


Ecobank has announced the finalists in the ‘Ecobank Fintech Challenge,’ a competition for African technology start-ups that was launched in January 2017.

In a bid to solve Africa’s most pressing banking issues, the Ecobank Fintech Challenge sought technology startups to build and deploy innovative fintech and banking solutions across the continent. Fintech innovators, programmers and developers across Africa with solutions in the challenge’s key areas of interest were invited to apply for the contest.

The 20 finalists are:

These 20 finalists will be honoured on June 21, 2017 at the global Headquarters of Ecobank in Lome, Togo at an Innovation Fair & Awards ceremony. At the awards ceremony, the 20 start-ups will be officially inducted into the Ecobank Fintech Fellowship that offers:

The start-ups will also be given the opportunity to exhibit and pitch their products to a jury for the Ecobank Africa Fintech Prize, which will be awarded the top innovator and two runners-up. Apart from the fellowship program, the top three innovators will walk away with US$10,000, US$7,000, and US$5,000 respectively.

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