Instagram to roll out Business Tools globally by year end

Business tools

Instagram in a recent blog post officially announced a new set of tools it’ll be introducing  to make it easier for businesses to market their goods and services and engage with customers via the app.

These new Instagram Business Tools, when they’re available will be free and can be accessed when businesses upgrade their accounts to Business profiles. These business profiles will then offer several features which aren’t available for regular users, like a contact button with which customers can call, email or text the business and an insights tool that provides businesses with analytics on how each post is performing.

In addition, these new business tools will make it possible for users to turn any post into an ad simply by adding a button that allows viewers take action like call you or visit your website. And it’ll also give businesses a chance to choose what target audience they’ll like to see their posts at any period of time.

Instagram users in the US, Australia, and New Zealand are expected to see these new features “in the coming months,” while the rest of us should get it before year end.

I know right? Facebook likes money too much. LOL. They’re just tweaking this app to make it more appealing to those with an advertising budget to spend. But then again, it’s a smart move because many businesses already use the platform and it’s only wise to provide such businesses with the tools that’ll help them better reach and convert viewers.

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