When it was time for you to choose a University, what steps did you take? I guess, for the majority of us, our parents already had a University choice in mind for us. But, how did they get to know about that university? – usually, word of mouth/referrals (which is arguably the best form of marketing). Perhaps, one of their older friends’ children already passed through the University and they admired it. So, they went to the University’s website to learn more about it. However, this mode of learning about Universities is exclusive, (almost) archaic and not all-encompassing.
The need for a (Nigerian) University compass
There exists a unicompass service, but, this site shows no result for Nigerian University search. Perhaps, they don’t think any student will like to study in Nigeria (I laugh at our dilapidated educational system).
Back to the point, University Compass, Nigeria’s first University search engine identified this gap and recently launched their website which provides you facts about Universities in Nigeria at-a-glance as well as, more detailed facts such as a list of courses, tuition fee, accommodation plans, location and directions etc per selected university. However, that is not the interesting part.
By answering a set of questions; the site (intelligently) recommends a set of courses that could fit your personality based on the answers you provide. As a bonus, things like career advice and scholarships have been incorporated into the site. Personally, I am excited about this project and I think it has potential. But, I am skeptical of the acquisition strategy to get people to use the site. Also, revenue generation. Perhaps, with a good number of hits at peak periods (summertime when people are looking for schools) they could incorporate Google Ads. It would be interesting to see that the information here is objective and not bias towards any University.
Interesting bit of trivia, this site was developed as the final year undergraduate project of a Computer Science student from Covenant University, Seunla Osinowo, who decided not to leave his project on the proverbial academic shelf but rather take to market.
Are you an aspiring student? Do you have siblings and friends looking to get into the University? Do well to give the site a run. It should be worth your while. Also, if you have any suggestions for improvement or complaints, visit University Compass.
Updated: “Changed URL from universitycompass.ng to universitycompass.com” on 12th August 2018. More on this to come in December.