Nigerian Government Now Has a Mobile App Called Forward Nigeria

forward nigeria

So the Nigerian government has created an app named Forward Nigeria for all Nigerians to be able to keep tabs on them and monitor their activities. The app is perhaps the first of its kind. I’m sure not what new information the app would provide or how different the information would be from what we see in the news.

The app is either a genuine attempt to better Nigeria or an adept disguise to enrich some pockets. The true test of the motives behind its creation lies in how genuine the information it provides is; and how long the app is sustained.

Some of the features the app offers are:

The app has a newsfeed to keep you updated on government activities, photo and video gallery so you can see latest happenings and events. It also allows users upload photos about Nigeria but the photos are subject to review and not all photos would be published (I wonder what the criteria is for selecting photos to be published). The app gives Nigerians an opportunity to take part in surveys and share their views; oooh here’s my favorite part…. The app claims to support augmented reality which means that when you place your mobile phone over any ‘’Forward Nigeria’’ poster, you will watch a video come to life.

Use the links below to down the app on your android, iOS or blackberry devices

iOS Devices:

Android Devices:

BlackBerry Devices (Web App):

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