This is not your typical TechCity story, but it is one of innovation and we are wont to share as a result. Also, as you may or may not know, Pizza is a staple in corporate (cough, tech) Nigeria and its middle class population.
Domino’s pizza owned by Eat N Go foods, recently announced a new pizza flavour called Pepper Soup Pizza. The combination you’ll get upon ordering this is glorious cheese, onions, green pepper, grilled chicken and Pepper Soup Spice!
Indicative of its name, Peppersoup is a Nigerian soup made of strong spices, ground and submerged in water, garnished with fish, yam, meat or other carbs/proteins and served hot. Peppersoup is very popular for soothing soreness and colds.

Every Nigerian who eats peppersoup will admit that peppersoup spice cannot be eaten until submerged in boiling water and slurped. Domino’s however, seems to have hacked the addition of this Nigerian staple to its ever innovative menu. Even more, Domino’s Pizza has never shied away from interesting pizza flavors. From its Spicy Plantain Pizza which had plantains as toppings to its Spicy Catfish pizza which had the tender seafood as toppings and Jollof Pizza which had actual cooked rice on pizza dough. With the new flavour, the list is… growing.
Reactions to Dominos’ pepper soup pizza & Product Management lessons to learn
Regardless of how many times they are called out, Domino’s Pizza seems to have mastered the art of combining weird foods to make a new one whether their customers like it or not.
It in fact made someone lose sleep
Yet, like every new product, adoption can be slow, but can pick up before you know it
If there’s anything Dominos pizza has shown from all its innovation with flavours, it is that there is no such thing as a bad idea. And if there were, their pivoting style and how they move on from a failed flavour needs to be studied.
Quick one. Would you watch a Dominos PepperSoup pizza review?