Sleeping next to your mobile phone could be bad for your health

Bad news guys; especially for those of us attached to our phones: Sleeping next to your mobile phone could have adverse effects on your health. Placing it under your pillow doesn’t make life better.

This one got me like…

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) warns that sleeping with your phone in your bed, or near to your head, could increase the risk of brain cancer [1, 2].

How does this work?

Because they send and receive information from surrounding cell towers,
Cellphones emit radio frequency (RF) energy and that RF may be dangerous. Or not.

The RF waves come from the antenna, which is part of the body of a phone. The waves are strongest at the antenna and lose energy quickly as they travel away from the phone. Typically, the phone is held against the side of the head when in use. So the closer the antenna is to the head [3], the greater a person’s chance of being exposed to RF energy.

Although there is no concrete evidence yet, the possible health effects of RF exposure include “brain cancer and tumors of the acoustic nerve (needed for hearing and balance) and salivary glands, lower sperm counts and inactive or less mobile sperm, headaches and effects on learning and memory, hearing, behavior and sleep.”

In 2011, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) also classified mobile phone radiation [4, 5] possibly carcinogenic, meaning that there “could be some risk” of carcinogenicity, so additional research into the long-term, heavy use of mobile phones needs to be conducted.

So basically, nothing is confirmed yet.

How can you reduce the harmful effects of cell phone radiation?

CDPH has this to say:

While more research is needed to identify short- and long-term health implications of cellphone use, I think it’s best to exercise caution in using them.


[1]M. Atherton, “Cancer WARNING: Do NOT sleep with this next to your head or in your bed,”, 18-Dec-2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 14-Jan-2019]. [2] [3]“Cell Phones and Cancer Risk,” National Cancer Institute, 21-Feb-2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 14-Jan-2019]. [4]“Known and Probable Human Carcinogens.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 14-Jan-2019]. [5]
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