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175 posts
BellaRose speaks on the features of the Samsung Galaxy SIII
The Samsung Galaxy S3 is, according to Samsung, ‘inspired by nature – it sees, listens, responds, and allows…
Samsung will reportedly sue Apple over LTE use on iPhone 5
With a little more than a day before the iPhone 5’s expected debut, Samsung has decided to sue Apple…
Samsung: We Will Counter-Sue Apple
A federal jury ruled on Friday that Samsung has to pay more than $1 billion in damages for infringing on…
Apple lists 8 Samsung devices it wants kept out of the US
Apple has now identified eight of Samsung’s devices that it wants to have banned from sale in the…
Apple: Samsung’s Galaxy Nexus a copycat of iPhone
Apple argued today that Samsung Electronics’s Galaxy Nexus copies many of the key features of the iPhone, including voice-control Siri, and…