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TechCity’s Valentine’s Day gift guide for your tech savvy partner

Whether it is love at first sight or love at first like, there is an array of gift ideas to help hearts grow fonder regardless of the love language either party speaks.

If Valentine’s Day is really a celebration of love, then there might not be one simple way to show it. Love is a complex thing and it’s different for everyone, so it’s hard to find a way to express it in a one-size-fits-all manner.

Our world today has grown wider, or smaller, as we explore places and cultures far away from ours. Distance is hardly a limitation anymore as technology has collapsed space, distance and time in the virtual world of cyber intimacy.

Cyber intimacy is when people use technology, like computers or phones, to communicate with their romantic partners or romantic interests.

So whether it is love at first sight or love at first like, there is an array of options that really help hearts to grow fonder across seas regardless of the love language each speak.

Virtual experiences to explore this Valentine’s day:

Facetime sessions are amazing, and not just for conversations. You can literally have a cozy dinner in here, set the mood and ambience you desire. 

Virtual games have become platforms for creating friendships that have grown surprisingly strong. Couples and partners can have a beautiful time exploring this option.

Virtual movie dates are a thing! With streaming services and third party apps,  all you need is the right choice of movie and a bowl of popcorn. Think Netflix Party. You may even want to make it more fun and hilarious, count down and hit the play button!

Fancy some tech heavy gifts?

Psychological research has revealed that humans have different love languages, and so receive love in different ways. Love could not be true if the preference of the receiver is not considered in the giving.

Have you ever looked at your tech savvy partner in his/her “cockpit” of many gizmo lights blinking and you just can’t imagine him/her gushing over a box of chocolates for Valentine’s day?

They’ll most likely gush over these;

  • A smartwatch.  These days they come with nice additions like fitness tracking and interchangeable faces. Check out the Apple watch series, Fitbit sense, Samsung galaxy watches, and others.
  • A virtual reality headset if he/she loves the gaming and entertainment space.
  • E-reader for the one who loves to read but does not want to carry books around.
  • Amazon Kindle paperwhite. It is like an entire library in the pocket.
  • A tech tool kit for the one who opens them up to fix them.
  • Clearing their cart; for the ones who “add to cart” every other time but do not checkout.

Happy Valentine’s day!
