Many a time, I have considered buying a torchlight phone/secondary phone for the battery life but the fact that these phones do absolutely nothing but calls and texts has been quite the deterrent, plus, one can’t store beyond 100 contacts in some of the torchlight phones.
I keep convincing myself that I would never be in a position where I would ever need one and that is somewhat true. I’m a party person though and my battery is likely to give out somewhere around the later part of the party where I’m really in need of some connectivity to call my Uber driver.
When I heard about the TECNO L5 on twitter I thought “so this phone does everything else and is still touted to last really long”. I turned a blind eye to other brands with large batteries and that’s the best decision I ever made.
The TECNO L5 runs on android Lollipop and has no compatibility issues whatsoever with any application. It is 110% smart.
About that 5000mAh battery, I don’t know about heavy users or hard core gamers and the rest but for what I do with this phone, it was able to keep its charge for over 5 days before it hit 10%. I think I could even squeeze an extra day on that.
The L5 reminds me of the 3310 because I’m not a light user. I turned this phone into my hotspot station and I cannot even begin to explain how relaxed I am knowing fully well that I would be the only one left with a charge at the end of the day while everyone else is looking for a wall socket—they call them wall huggers.
If what you’re looking for is a reliable android 5.0 lollipop smartphone with a very very long battery life, the TECNO L5 is your sure bet as I have no regrets what so ever as I chose it over a trusty torchlight phone.