Twitter HQ is reportedly auctioning items in its headquarters in San Francisco, USA. Items like furniture, coffee makers, and more could be auctioned off in a bid to clear out the “surplus corporate office assets” and possibly augment the companies financial needs.
Representatives from Twitter however say that this auction sales have nothing to do with the company’s financial standing. The representative says that the sale aims to clear the excessive assets present in the Twitter HQ. To support his claim, the representative referred to a similar action taken by the Twitter UK office at the start of this year.
Also, the available pricing for items on the auction when totaled is rather paltry. Regardless, the company looks to putting the revenue from the sale to good use. A noble feat considering Twitter is also slacking with rent payment for its headquarter space. Already, the firm is said to have received complaints from the owners of its headquarters space.
Revenue realized from the coming auction sale will be put into use to help solve some of the company’s needs. Twitter HQ has set January 17, 2023, as the date for auctioning off of its “surplus corporate office assets.” Items to be auctioned will start at various prices and will be available to the public for sale.