Twitter today unveiled the Top Moments of 2015. According to the social media giant, the world united this year in moments of triumph, activism, support, and fascination, and Twitter is where we gathered for all of it.
“Whether people were making a hashtag into a global movement or expressing wonder over a photo of a dress, we all used Twitter this year in awe-inspiring ways,” Twitter stated.
The company declared 2015 the Year of the Emoji.
“Last year on Twitter we saw 2014 as the year of the Selfie when Ellen DeGeneres Oscar Selfie went viral and became the most Retweeted Tweet ever. This year 2015 is being described as the year of the Emoji with 😂 face with tears of joy being the most popular emoji used on Twitter.
“Other popular emojis that complete the top 5 used this year include 😍 smiling face with heart-shaped eyes, 😭 loudly crying face, 😊 smiling face with smiling eyes and ❤️ red heart. Examples of the best use of Emojis on Twitter have even come from some very famous faces:
- Roger Federer Tweeted a whole Tweet based on emojis to tell his followers how his #DayOff would play out
- Ellie Golding says it how it is with an Emoji to her followers
- Andy Murray took to Twitter on his wedding day to share his emotions through the use of emojis
- NBA basketball player even had an emoji battle that took place on Twitter thanks to DeAndre Jordan
Top Trends
Here are the trending topics that captured our attention this year across the globe in 2015.
Most Influential
In February the world witnessed one those beautiful moments made possible by the interconnected age we live in: someone posted a picture of a dress, and the Internet lost its collective mind. Was the dress black and blue, or was it white and gold? A photo of the same dress seen in different light suddenly went viral on Twitter and captured the attention of millions of people who marveled at the optical illusion or delved into the science behind the apparent change of colors.
As people debated #BlueandBlack or #WhiteandGold, the dress sparked a global conversation, with more than 4.4M Tweets on February 26 and 27.
Check out all the other influential moments from 2015 at
Most Retweeted
This year, Harry Styles from One Direction took the top spot reaching out to his fans sending them love which became the most Retweeted Tweet of the year. You can find the top ten most Retweeted tweets on
Who Joined
Throughout 2015 numerous VITs joined Twitter taking to Twitter to share their voice on the platform. This year @CaitlynJenner joined Twitter breaking the world record reaching 1 million followers faster than @POTUS, she introduced herself to the world via a Vanity Fair cover reveal, which was Tweeted out with the hashtag #CallMeCaitlyn.