Business owners are the backbone of any community. They provide essential goods and services to members of their community. Today, social media is one of the largest community of people. An online business can reach millions of buyers on it with little costs. Many sellers have moved their business online to utilise this opportunity, but they quickly realize getting new customers online is not as easy as it should be.
There’s a reason for this: scam shops. They scam buyers regularly. This has created an invisible trust barrier which is killing the market today. As more scam shops join the market, the trust barrier increases, and more people stop buying.
Breaking the trust barrier for your online business

Every economist knows that there cannot be trade without trust. Salistech Ltd started MyTrust.Page to help break the trust barrier. They help sellers make more sales by winning buyers’ trust using escrow and reviews. They are currently helping over 2000 sellers to solve this problem, and the results are evident. Buyers trust sellers on more easily than other sellers.
How MyTrust.Page helps online business?
The platform breaks the trust barrier with 2 features: seller reviews and escrow payments.
Seller reviews

The platform enables sellers to easily collect reviews from customers and display them on their social media. Reviews and testimonials can really boost sales when people trust them. Sellers already use screenshots to collect reviews, but people do not trust these reviews because anyone can fake them. Reviews on 3rd party platforms, like MyTrust.Page, are verified and more easily trusted than reviews on a seller’s platform.
Escrow payments

The platform also provides an escrow solution to enable buyers to shop and pay on delivery. One of the surest ways for sellers to gain trust online is to offer payment on delivery. In fact, some buyers will not patronize a seller without the pay on delivery option. Unfortunately, pay on delivery is dangerous for sellers. It is common for sellers to waste their time, money, and energy sending products to buyers who do not show up to collect the product and pay. That is why MyTrust.Page introduced the First Payment escrow solution into the market.
MyTrust.Page First Payment is an escrow platform that makes it safe for sellers to offer payment on delivery. Firstly, the buyer pays part of the product’s cost (First Payment) into a MyTrust.Page escrow account. Then, the seller receives the First Payment when the deal is complete, and the buyer pays the balance on delivery. The escrow solution protects both parties. If the buyer doesn’t show up, the seller receives the First Payment to cover for delivery costs. If the seller does not send the product as advertised, the buyer receives the First Payment as a full refund.
The Future of Online Business
By 2021, MyTrust.Page estimates its solutions will reintroduce trust into the market. More people will shop on social media, and sellers will be able to make more sales and run their online business easily. If the system is left as it is, the social media market will eventually die. Hundreds of thousands of sellers will be forced to close their online business. A huge opportunity for economic growth will be lost.
Thankfully, sellers are as smart as they are resourceful, and many have joined the platform. By 2021, online sellers on MyTrust.Page will have a huge advantage over other sellers and will enjoy more sales when the trust barrier is broken. The overall industry will also enjoy more sales.
Live the life you want

Every online seller needs to take charge and set themselves free from the damage the invisible trust barrier is causing in their online business. So, if you sell anything online, head over to MyTrust.Page and open a free account for your business. It takes less than a minute to set it up. By 2021, you will be one of the sellers enjoying the new online market because you took a simple action 1 year ago.