Why the Scramble for NEXIT is Not Surprising


Mobile mapping solutions have become key for collecting and mapping information without traffic interruption or service delays. In this report, Prince Osuagwu talks about how NEXIT is disrupting the mapping business.

Mobile mapping solution, NEXIT, has become a buzzword not just for the positive digital disruption it brought to the world tech ecosystem, but mainly for the economy of purpose it has injected into the travel sub-sector of the tourism industry.

For a world economy currently undergoing troubling times due to the ravages of the coronavirus pandemic and other economic disorders, nothing can be more soothing than a solution that can allow travelers ease of moment and most importantly some free cash back into their pockets. And, that is exactly what NEXIT mapping app does.

The Scramble

The solution did not come as an idea that has not existed before, but it surely does have a unique sense of purpose that is almost crazy. While other mapping businesses before it are almost uni-directional, NEXIT as a disrupter came with a vast, multi-dimensional approach to mapping usage. It appears to have gone into the mind of every single road user, particularly in the USA, to sieve out problems and replaced them with solutions.

No wonder, indications are constantly emerging that several technologies and social networking organizations are scrambling to either acquire or partner with this rave of the moment.

Although unconfirmed reports say leading social networking platforms, Search Engine giants, and multinational technology companies dealing with Internet-related services and products, are scrambling to have its signature as a partner, it is highly unsurprising.

Partnership Gains

There are several opportunities for a NEXIT collaboration with all of these tech giants. Some of these outfits do not have their own mapping solutions. So they hook on rivals’ or competitors’ platforms to provide such services to their users. By so doing, they expose their users to such competitors. Partnering with NEXIT will allow them to keep their users on their own platforms, rather than sending them to rivals in the name of connection.

They also have the opportunity to provide mapping services beyond the existing solutions due to NEXIT’s versatility of thinking and unique multi-dimensional offerings that can be accessed in one package.

Obviously, partnering with NEXIT will surely raise a significant revenue stream for these outfits and make them bigger giants. Experience has shown that most of the outfits,  which also have mapping platforms, however, do not host them totally independently. Users or audiences of these platforms are usually taken off their platforms to the original hosts of the maps.

So, for platforms in the business of knowing who their users are, where they are, what they like, and what they don’t, they lose a very valuable interaction when people discover new places, but have to leave the space to where the map is hosted. However, if mapping were built directly into their platforms, they would retain their visitors. That is the kind of edge NEXIT can give.

Again, in some of the maps that some of these outfits boast of, there are no provisions for driving directions, route planning, brand/amenity integration, exit information, gas prices, turn-by-turn navigation, among others, which NEXIT provides.
Unique ad selling opportunities

For some of these tech giants, desiring to sell advertisements to users while they drive. NEXIT could be the deal to take their rich data-mined audience and sell ads – while driving, planning a route, or walking around a city. This is basically because NEXIT provides a platform to give users access to valuable and desired information that is not available on any other navigation app.

The platform is also presented in a way to provide highly-targeted and unobtrusive ads to maximize revenue.

Advertising on maps is a relatively new frontier, and Barron’s has estimated it to be worth up to $100 billion per year. Visionary platforms could use NEXIT partnership to give their audience these unique features and dominate the navigation space ahead of the competition.

Unique Features

Besides other unique features not available on other existing mapping solutions, NEXIT’s Highway Mode is a game-changer. It automatically shows upcoming exits while driving.

Although NEXIT only berthed, December 2019, it has, however, since then threatened to occupy the mobile mapping space permanently.

It prides itself on having gone into the critical details of mapping resources, providing landmark technology blueprints that sit mobile maps at the core base of today’s travel needs.

For instance, providing customized integrated trip information and preferences; maximizing advertising revenue by showing targeted, relevant advert exposures; multiple search inquiries simultaneously at the same exit and showing upcoming exits while driving, among others, are some of those unique innovations found only in the NEXIT mapping app.

With all these unique offerings, it can never be far-fetched why people who need to integrate 21st-century solutions for highly integrated mobile mapping services will go for NEXIT application.

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