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Wonderful! Data Analyst Kenny Fifo is “using” what he learnt in school to earn a living. 

This week on Rookie to Techie, we witness the transformation of Kenny Fifo, one of the people who can boast about using their first degree to work. Only, it didn’t start out so simply—from a front desk employee at a retail store to a numbers whiz. Kenny shares valuable advice for aspiring data analysts, emphasising the importance of patience, learning, and mentorship. 

This publication focuses on sharing experiences and narratives on how ‘Techies’ have gotten into tech, highlighting their challenges, motivations, and valuable insights on how they have navigated the tech landscape from different starting points. If you would like to share your tech journey please fill this form.

If your job as a Data Analyst was a movie or Tv Show, what would it be? Taking into consideration all the things you face on a day to day?

Kenny: Hmmm, interesting question, it would be SUITS.

Great TV show. Why this choice?

K: Well, obviously I see way too many suits😂 and the everyday sharing of correspondence and all, getting “problem statements”, analysing them, submitting reports and waiting for the next problem.

Eissshh sounds like a lot.

K: Well, God is good.

Before becoming a data analyst, were you doing anything else?

K: Yeah, I was a front desk manager at a retail phone store.

Wow. Circle back for me. How did this job come about?

K: Well, I prayed to God that I didn’t want to sit at home after NYSC, and this was the first offer I got after NYSC. It was a family friend that actually got me the job.

Did you enjoy it? What was it like?

K: Well, I wouldn’t say I enjoyed it but it was a good stepping stone for me because I was able to get connections that helped in the final stages of the recruitment process for my current employer. And I also learnt a great deal about trust.

Wonderful. Now why Data Analytics? Did it go with what you studied in school or you just developed a sudden interest in it?

K: Oh yeah. I am one of the minority that is utilising what was learnt in school in my job function. Speaking about developing interest, I was posted to the retail analytics team as an entry level, so I guess maybe if I wasn’t, I’d be doing something else now.

What did you study and what school did you go to?

K: I attended FUTA, The Federal University of Technology, Akure and studied Statistics. Statistics in its entirety revolves around taking data, analysing the data and making inferences based on the results of the analysis, which is exactly what I do as a job. So it is directly related and I am really thankful for that.

A man of numbers. You mentioned that if you weren’t in the retail analytics department you would be doing something else now. What do you think you would have been doing now?

K: Definitely, I’d have developed a stack in whatever my job function is in the bank. I was open minded when I got my job as an entry level, so it could have been anything really.

What did you plan to do from the start? What was the dream like once you finished university?

K: I wanted to be a Data/financial analyst but I was very open minded, I didn’t have the luxury to select a career path. But I thank God for where I am.

Why didn’t you have the luxury of picking a career path?

K: What I mean is, it could have been anything for me. I just remembered that I actually applied for an entry level role at an oil company, so it could have been anything for me really. But I am super glad it is Data because I’m really enjoying it.

What’s the job of a data analyst in a bank? What do you do on a day to day basis?

It’s a lot honestly. It includes but is not limited to:

Sending reports for the business, doing statistical analysis for business decisions, building business intelligence reports/dashboards, data cleaning for model development and working on bank projects. 

Yes, that is a lot. Walk me through your experience as a newbie in the analytics department.

K: I had to solidify my proficiency in Excel for a start, and learnt how to communicate insights to the Top business executives. Then I went on to learn SQL, then PowerBi, then Python, then a bit of Machine Learning.

Sounds like a lot. What sites did you use to learn all these?

K: Well, I used Udemy, Udacity, Google resources, YouTube and currently Explore AI

Expectation vs Reality: what were the things that surprised you about your current career when you started?

K: I won’t say I’ve had any surprises to be very honest. It’s been what I expected it to be. Normal usage of my skills to solve business problems. Except that in terms of career growth, it’s been faster than I envisaged. 

Yeah, I once heard from a techie that career growth in tech is unmatched. How many years have you been a Data Analyst and do you think you will still be doing Data Analytics in the years to come?

K: Almost 4 years now and yes, 100% I would still be doing Data Analytics.

Wow, I wish we all loved our jobs like this. Tell me one thing about your job that you find very challenging?

K: Managing top stakeholders and effective communication has been quite challenging for me because of changing deliverable requirements. 

Any advice for Rookies who want to go into Data Analytics?

K: The most important thing is to not rush yourself, everyone wants to be a tech bro, but it will not always be easy, work on projects as you learn, find a mentor if you can, it makes the process a bit faster.

Thank you Kenny!
